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Home News Hollywood Music Vince Gill Announces He's No Longer With Universal Music

Vince Gill Announces He's No Longer With Universal Music

By FNN | February 25, 2012, 6:18pm IST
Summary: After more than two decades on the MCA label, the country star says, "I don't have a record deal; Don't know that I want one."

Vince Gill Announces He's No Longer With Universal Music

Amid the excitement of George Strait and Lionel Richie's surprise appearances Wednesday during Universal Music Group's luncheon at the Ryman Auditorium during the Country Radio Seminar, a different newsflash was overlooked by many: Vince Gill's reveal that he's no longer with the label.

While that seems an unusual announcement to make during a showcase for the singer's label of more than two decades, Gill took the opportunity to thank the company's staff over the years.

"For the first time in 30 years, I don't have a record deal. Don't know that I want one," he told the audience, according to CMT. "I'm just grateful for where I've been, and you've been a big part of where I've been and where I'm going. To my MCA family, it was really a sweet ride the last 23 years, and I appreciate everything you do."

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