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Home News Bollywood Industry Hundred and three and counting...

Hundred and three and counting...

By FNN | February 13, 2012, 5:26am IST

Hundred and three and counting...Ashok Amritraj who is touring India to promote his 103rd film production is looking to make an Indian flick soon

Ashok Amritraj is currently in India to promote his film that stars Nicholas Cage, which is his 103rd venture as a film producer. And now, the former tennis star wants to make an Indian movie and is currently looking at scripts for the same.

Right now, Amritraj isn't willing to share too many details about the film. However, he concedes, "It depends on what kind of story appeals to me to make a movie here.

So I can't say anything about the cast." Amritraj, who admits not having watched a Bollywood film in quite a while now, says that his wife Chitra often watches Hindi and Tamil films.

Talking of his forthcoming film featuring Nicholas Cage, Amritraj says that making it has been a new learning experience. "More so technically as it's my first 3D venture," he says, adding that shooting each action scene was a new challenge every day.

"While we shot in extreme cold weather in Romania, some of the directors were very adventurous. They'd hold on to bikes at 50 miles an hour and then jump off for the shot. Sometimes I wondered if they'd come out of the scene alive," he recalls.

Amritraj's current film, Ghost Rider The Vengeance Strikes, will be dubbed in Tamil and Telugu as well.

While the filmmaker is happy that the business of Hollywood film in India has increased manifolds, thanks to films now being dubbed in Indian languages, he hopes that the dubbed dialogues sometimes appear quite funny, given the context of the film. He is hoping that is not the case with this Nicholas Cage starrer.

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