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Home News Bollywood Daily Kareena watches Sharon Stone films to prepare for her next film

Kareena watches Sharon Stone films to prepare for her next film

By Mid-Day | April 19, 2013, 2:41pm IST

After she wraps up her upcoming film with Prakash Jha, Kareena Kapoor will start work in her next that also stars Emraan Hashmi.

Incidentally, for her journalist role that is apparently based on Sharon Stone's character in Basic Instinct, Bebo will have a very distinct look in the film. Sources say she has also started prepping for her role much in advance.

While Kareena is currently in Bhopal, she is busy watching films that feature Sharon. The source adds, "Kareena is away from her home so whenever she gets free time from the shoot, she sits and observe Sharon's mannerism and body language, as her look will also be pretty similar to her in the film. She has been carrying DVDs and watches them in her van during the shoot or post pack up."

Sources close to Bebo say she will also chop off her long and luxurious hair in preparation for the film.

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