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Home News Bollywood Daily Bipasha Basu wants to buy a new house in Goa

Bipasha Basu wants to buy a new house in Goa

By FNN | March 8, 2013, 7:08am IST

Apart from enjoying sunbaths in her new home, the actress said that even a fitness studio there could be in the offing.

Everyone loves to make merry in Goa, but Bipasha Basu has gone a step ahead and is looking to purchase a property in the party capital of the country.

Bips, who is currently promoting Suparn Verma's next, says she loves to take small breaks as and when she can take time off.

The actress says, "I don't get much time off but whenever I do, I take a small break and run to Goa. I go there a lot. And now I am even looking to buy a house there as I go to Goa so often."

And apart from enjoying sunbaths in her new home, the actress states that even a fitness studio there could be in the offing. Bips adds, "If I have a house in Goa, all my travelling issues will be sorted."

Post her ongoing promotions, Bipasha will start shooting for her upcoming project with Vikram Bhatt. Speaking about her co-star Nawazuddin Siddiqui, she says, "I am not a method actress but Nawaz is really fabulous at it."

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