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Home News Bollywood Daily Is Abhay Deol engaged to UK-based girlfriend Preeti Desai?

Is Abhay Deol engaged to UK-based girlfriend Preeti Desai?

By FNN | March 10, 2011, 6:14pm IST
He's not the sort to talk about his private life. But very soon he might have to! Buzz is that Abhay Deol is engaged to UK-based girlfriend Preeti Desai. Close friends reveal that the two exchanged rings at a private ceremony a month back. Preeti makes her debut in Shorr In The City and sources claim the two decided to take the big step after much contemplation. However, neither of them are sporting the ring, as Abhay is waiting for her debut film to release. Preeti has been living in Deol's Juhu flat for over a year. They met in 2009 during the success party of Dev D and hit it off instantly. Preeti is of Indian origin and was crowned Miss Great Britain in 2006.

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