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Home News Bollywood Daily Priyanka Chopra to attend 48th Annual Grammy

Priyanka Chopra to attend 48th Annual Grammy

By FNN | February 12, 2012, 1:01pm IST
Priyanka Chopra, currently attending 62nd Berlin International Film Festival to promote her film Don 2, which is being showcased there, will be attending the 48th Annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Centre in Los Angeles on Sunday evening.

Everyone knows Priyanka's passion for music, so it is obvious that she is really excited to attend the award ceremony that honours outstanding music. She will be joined by heavyweights like Jimmy Iovine, the CEO of Interscope Records, and Troy Carter, the owner of her management company Atom Factory, at the event.

The actress who is in the process of releasing her international album feels this is the best global platform to meet and interact with people from the international music fraternity. She is also thrilled about meeting her favourite singing sensations at the award function.

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