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Home News Bollywood Daily Its SAIYAAN Now After Munni And Sheila

Its SAIYAAN Now After Munni And Sheila

By FNN | March 20, 2011, 5:40pm IST
Sheila’ and ‘Munni’ are passé now! It’s time to make way for the super sizzling and racy dance number ‘Shake it Saiyaan’ from Rupali Aum Entertainment and Sanjay Dutt Production’s ‘Rascals’ directed by David Dhawan. The song stars the smoking hot Lisa Haydon showcasing some alluring moves using accessories like leather chains and whips to get things cracking. Sanjay Dutt will be seen shaking a leg with the sexy siren in a stylish and classy avatar. The choreographer Bosco of the Bosco-Ceaser duo feels, “Right from the 50s, when Helen and Cuckoo danced, until now, item songs get the audiences’ pulse racing!” The song is being shot extravagantly on a huge set with 6 different areas, each portraying a different look and feel and complete with foreign dancers and different costumes, designed by Aki Narula. The song composed by talented duo Vishal-Shekhar and sung by Shruti Pathak , promises to be big on the music charts! Guess everyone should put on their dancing shoes and get ready to shake their booties on this hip and happening number! ‘Rascals’ stars Sanjay Dutt, Ajay Devgn, Kangana Ranaut, Arjun Rampal, Chunkey Pandey and Satish Kaushik and is slated for release in mid 2011.

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