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Home News Bollywood Daily Bebo omitted from Shahid's guest list

Bebo omitted from Shahid's guest list

By FNN | March 12, 2011, 4:31pm IST
Actor Shaid Kapur invited several Bollywood buddies, including the actresses with whom he had alleged romps in the past, at his birthday bash in a suburban lounge bar on February 25. But Bebo's name was missing in the guest list. Says a source present at the party, "He had invited all the girls he had been linked with in the past such as Amrita Rao, Vidya Balan and Priyanka Chopra (with whom he had split just before his bash!), but Kareena was omitted!" Apologies for absence But none of Shahid's "former girlfriends" turn up at his party pleading preoccupation. According to the source, Vidya was unwell, so she couldn't make it to the party. If Amrita had prior commitments, Priyanka was busy shooting in the US. Though Shahid and Bebo have moved on, at least this is what they want us to assume, they are still not cordial to each other. A source close to Kareena says, "There are some issues that need to be sorted out. Though Shahid and Kareena are amiable to each other in public and wish each other well in life. Even Kareena wouldn't invite Shahid to her parties so it doesn't matter." "The actress was in Bhopal spending time with beau Saif Ali Khan during her ex-boyfriend's birthday. So she wouldn't have been able to attend the birthday party even if she had she been invited," the source said.

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