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Home News Bollywood Daily Sridevi literally walked her way to a film's launch

Sridevi literally walked her way to a film's launch

By FNN | February 16, 2012, 2:13pm IST

Sridevi literally walked her way to a film's launchAt the music release of the Tusshar Kapoor and Kulraj Randhawa starrer Chaar Din Ki Chandni, Rishi Kapoor and Sridevi were the special guests as the film is an ode to her character from her yesteryear film, Chandni.

Sridevi literally walked her way to a film's launchTusshar and Kulraj even danced on the Chandni title song. Sridevi and hubby Boney Kapoor got delayed due to traffic on the roads. Tired of the delay, Sri and Boney walked the last 50 odd metres to the venue in Juhu.

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