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Home News Bollywood Movies Bipasha Basu to be seen with Emraan Hashmi in 'Raaz 3'

Bipasha Basu to be seen with Emraan Hashmi in 'Raaz 3'

By FNN | February 2, 2012, 2:58am IST

Bipasha Basu to be seen with Emraan Hashmi in 'Raaz 3'Bipasha Basu will be paired opposite Emraan Hashmi in 'Raaz 3', according to reports.

It was earlier believed that Basu was reluctant to come on-screen with Hashmi but the actress denied that this was the case.

"I did not refuse to work with Emraan. It is just that I couldn't work with him earlier. He was really young and I saw him when he was 18, as an assistant director on 'Raaz'. When we were approached for a film, I looked way older than him because of my weight. Today, I look younger than I looked then," she said.

Basu had earlier acted opposite Dino Morea in the first 'Raaz' movie that was released in 2002.

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