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Home News Bollywood Daily Aamir among 100 most influential people in the world

Aamir among 100 most influential people in the world

By Mid-Day | April 19, 2013, 4:00pm IST
Summary: Aamir Khan finds himself on the list of the 100 most influential people around the globe for the upcoming issue of Time magazine.

Aamir Khan has become the latest Indian entrant in the list of the 100 most influential people in the world for an international magazine. The actor is the only Indian entertainer to get into the coveted list for the magazine's May edition.

Ever since the actor made his TV debut, much has been written about his efforts in promoting awareness about social causes. And sources say that was the reason behind why Aamir was handpicked to appear in the coming issue of the magazine. A few months back Aamir also made it to the cover of the same magazine for his efforts.

A source from the magazine says, "It is a big honour to find a place on the list."

The source also recalls how the magazine's managing editor Richard Stengel had once defined the presitigious list as, "The TIME 100 is not a list of the most powerful people in the world, it's not a list of the smartest people in the world, it's a list of the most influential people in the world...."

The others who have also found place on the list this time besides Aamir are several politicians, humanitarians and scientists.

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