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Home News Bollywood Domestic Box Office Dum Maaro Dum Week Two Territorial Breakdown

Dum Maaro Dum Week Two Territorial Breakdown

By FNN | May 8, 2011, 5:26am IST
Dum Maaro Dum grossed 6.50 crore nett approx in its second week. The distributor share is 14.25 crore approx. Below is the second week territorial breakdown of the film. Mumbai/Thane - 1.03 crore Gujarat - 68 lakhs Saurashtra - 14 lakhs Maharashtra - 56 lakhs N Karnataka/Goa - 17 lakhs Mumbai Circuit - 2.58 crore Delhi City - 71 lakhs Delhi/UP - 1.32 crore East Punjab - 57 lakhs West Bengal - 31 lakhs Bihar - 7 lakhs CP Berar - 20 lakhs CI - 19 lakhs Rajasthan - 20 lakhs Nizam/Andhra - 33 lakhs Mysore - 48 lakhs Others - 21 lakhs TOTAL - 6.46 crore

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