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Home News Bollywood Domestic Box Office Opening Week Figures 2011

Opening Week Figures 2011

By FNN | May 7, 2011, 3:53am IST
Yamla Pagla Deewana is only film to cross 30 crore net in first week this year. Thank You is second best. There have been 12 major releases so far and the opening week figures are as follows. All figures are for Fri-Thursday period. Yamla Pagla Deewana - 34.65 crore Thank You - 28.92 crore Patiala House - 24.41 crore Dum Maaro Dum - 22.02 crore Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji - 21.01 crore No One Killed Jessica - 19.46 crore Tanu Weds Manu - 18.78 crore Faltu - 16.34 crore Saat Khoon Maaf - 14.73 crore Dhobi Ghat - 12.44 crore Yeh Saali Zindagi - 7.47 crore Game - 6.59 crore

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