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Home Videos Bollywood Television Manoj Bajpai, Sonu Sood - Shootout At Wadala Exclusive Interview!!
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Manoj Bajpai, Sonu Sood I Shootout At Wadala Exclusive Interview!! In this video Manoj Bajpai and Sonu Sood talk about their upcoming movie of 2013 Shootout At Wadala. The Actors also spoke about each other and the roles they are playing in the movie in detail. The cast of the film also include John Abraham, Kangna Ranaut and Sonu Sood. The Film is directed by Sanjay Gupta and will release on 1st May 2013. -- Published on April 10, 2013

Manoj Bajpai, Sonu Sood - Shootout At Wadala Exclusive Interview!!

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