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Home Videos Bollywood Hot News Shahid Kapoor is a Dal-RICE Rambo Rajkumar REALLY! LOL!
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Shahid Kapoor is a Dal-RICE Rambo Rajkumar REALLY! LOL! It's been a long time since Shahid has delivered a hit and the actor seems to be working himself to the bone to make his next film 'Rambo Rajkumar' a success.Rumour has it the actor will revive his 'Kaminey' look for the movie His director, Prabhudeva, instructed Shahid to look raw but not overly chiseled; there will be no six-pack abs for the actor The next challenge that Sasha faced was the fact that he is vegetarian. To ensure that he ingested the right amount of nutrients for his look, he was made to survive on daal-chawal for very long time! -- Published on June 13, 2013

Shahid Kapoor is a Dal-RICE Rambo Rajkumar REALLY! LOL!

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