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Home Videos Bollywood Hot News Ranbir Kapoor Secures The No 1 Position - Bollywoods Best Actor 2013!!
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As the year comes to a close, we take a look the actors who achieved the biggest milestones in 2013. These leading men carried their movies on their shoulders. Despite a lack of critical acclaim, the movies they starred in went on to earn big bucks. A lot of it had something to do with the popularity of its leading men and women.

Here are the options:

1)Ranbir Kapoor
2)Aamir Khan
3)Shah Rukh Khan
4)Hrithik Roshan
5)Ranveer Singh -- Published on January 3, 2014

Ranbir Kapoor Secures The No 1 Position - Bollywoods Best Actor 2013!!

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