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Home Videos Bollywood Hot News Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra's Exotic Look - Zee Cine Awards 2014
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Season for felicitating best performances continued with another award ceremony in form of Zee Cine Awards, 2014. The award ceremony held at the FilmCity in Mumbai saw Bollywood celebs in galore. Like they say -- girls love to dress and equally believe in flaunting and award events are the best platform to make a style statement. Zee Cine Awards 2014 saw ruling box office queen Deepika Padukone shining, literally in her sparkling sequinned gown while the Exotic singer Priyanka Chopra opted to go traditional with six yard drape for the event. Let us take a look at the leading faces that rocked as well as shocked with their impeccable fashion sense. -- Published on February 12, 2014

Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra's Exotic Look - Zee Cine Awards 2014

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