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Home Photos Tollywood 'Balupu' Movie Audio Release Function - Ravi Teja, Shruti Haasan, Anjali #67 of 931

Audio of Ravi Teja, Shruti Haasan and Anjali starrer 'Balupu' was launched on Saturday evening in Hyderabad. While Dasari Narayana Rao, was the chief guest of the audio function, other prominent guests include Raghurama Raju, Ravi Teja, Shruti Haasan, Anjali, Gopichand Malineni, K S Rama Rao, Bhaskara Bhatla, Vincent, Brahmaji, Ashutosh Rana, Brahmanandam, Ajay, Dr K L Narayana, BVSN Prasad, S Thaman, Param V Potluri and others participated. Suma anchored the show. As Thaman performed a song on the stage, he Ravi Teja and Shruti Haasan joined him on his request. The audience cheered the trio throughout the show.
Raghu Rama Raju released the audio CDs and presented the first copy to Dasari Narayana Rao.

Addressing the gathering Dasari Narayana Rao said, "I like Ravi Teja a lot because he believes in hardwork, determination and dedication. He is a self-made man and came up in life with his own skills. PVP banner is stepping with the film 'Balupu' right at the time the Indian cinema completed its 100 years. I wish them to make many more wonderful films in near future. Cinema is powerful as long as the producer is powerful. Of late producers have become puppets in the hands of directors and heroes."

Ravi Teja said, "In the past, many tried to made sing and dance on the stage, but I never did. For the first time Thaman succeeded in doing so. His tunes are catchy and nice to ears. This is my second film under Gopichand Malineni's direction. He did a wonderful job. We enjoyed doing every scene in the film."

Producer Param V Potluri said that he is glad to be part of the cinema world that produces two hours of entertainment.

According to director Gopichand Malineni, 'Balupu' will entertain the audience more than his earlier film 'Don Seenu'.

This PVP Cinemas' 'Balupu' is all set to hit global theaters on June 21st.Updated June 3, 2013

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