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Home Videos Hollywood Movie Promos Ruby Sparks Official Trailer 2012 - Paul Dano, Zoe Kazan
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Ruby Sparks hits theaters on July 25th, 2012.

Cast: Paul Dano, Zoe Kazan, Annette Bening, Antonio Banderas, Deborah Ann Woll, Steve Coogan, Elliott Gould, Chris Messina, Alia Shawkat, Toni Trucks

Calvin (Dano) is a young novelist who achieved phenomenal success early in his career but is now struggling with his writing - as well as his romantic life. Finally, he makes a breakthrough and creates a character named Ruby who inspires him. When Calvin finds Ruby (Kazan), in the flesh, sitting on his couch about a week later, he is completely flabbergasted that his words have turned into a living, breathing person.

Ruby Sparks trailer courtesy Fox Searchlight. -- Published on April 20, 2012

Ruby Sparks Official Trailer 2012 - Paul Dano, Zoe Kazan

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