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"Langgar" tells the story of Nizam (Adi Putra), who seeks justice for the death of his beloved wife, Aina (Nadia Heng) and his child, whom she was pregnant with at the time, as a result of rape and murder by a gang. It is Nizam's solemn promise to himself that everyone involved in the rape-murder must be wiped from the face of earth. Nizam is introduced to Radzi's (Namron) gang by Khairul (Bell Ngasri), an old friend. Radzi's gang is one of the more feared, dabbling in night clubs, drugs and illegal money lending. After he is tested by Loy (Zul Huzaimy), Radzi's right-hand man, Nizam joins Radzi's gang as a debt collector. Among the names listed in the file are Aina and her father, under debtors who have failed to pay. Nizam is now convinced that he is on the right track...

Director: Syed Hussein Syed Mustafa
Cast: Adi Putra, Namron, Khir Rahman, Natasha Hudson, Nadia Heng, Hans Isaac, Bell Ngasri, Zul Huzaimy
Genre. Action
Release Date: 11 April 2013 -- Published on April 2, 2013

Langgar (2013) Official Trailer #2

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