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Home Videos Hollywood Hot News Phase One - Marvel Film Tribute (HD) The Avengers
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The Avengers With the release of "Iron Man 3" this weekend comes the beginning of "Phase Two" for Marvel Studios as they begin the next round of films in the epic comic book saga. From the first "Iron Man" which debuted in 2008 all the way up to "The Avengers" last year, Marvel continues with a very successful streak that doesn't appear to be ending any time soon. With that in mind we decided to put together a special tribute dedicated to the "Phase One" films which includes "Iron Man", "The Incredible Hulk", "Iron Man 2", "Thor", "Captain America" and of course "The Avengers". Obviously it doesn't highlight everything that is great about the movies cause lets be real...there's so much! However what Marvel has done is a big deal and the studio, cast and crew deserve recognition. Enjoy! And a special thanks to editor Joel Walden for his invaluable feedback and thoughts. Cheers! Created by Nick Bosworth "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC - Copyright ownership of ATCO Label 'Phase One - Marvel Film Tribute' is a non-profit project intended for entertainment purposes only. All rights to any material used remains the property of their respective owners. No copyright laws are intended to be broken. -- Published on May 3, 2013

Phase One - Marvel Film Tribute (HD) The Avengers

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